Lets talk Coffee

Its no secret to those that know me well, that I love coffee.

Not the dark, strong roast types, but the blond roasts. I used to like the flavored kind, but now, I’m a straight- just give me coffee the kinda girl.

My addiction began with the birth of my second child 30 yrs ago. She was NOT a sleeper, till she was FOUR YEARS OLD! , and I just could not function. I was 25 when I had my first cup. 30 yrs. later, I’m still going strong.

Ive collected quite a collection of mugs, thanks to my friends. My favorite of all time, so far, is one that I bought actually myself, because it was too cute not to! Looks just like a coffee pot!!

With the rise of coffee prices, ( well, prices of everything!) I’ve been concerned I might have to curb my coffee consumption, but so far, so good. I’ve been grabbing my favs, as I see a sale.

I typically enjoy my coffee with no sugar, and a little cream. As I said above, I use to like the flavored, but I think my taste buds have changed, and I don’t like the flavors anymore. I’m good with a basic cup o joe!

Whats your favorite kind, or roast, and favorite way to drink it? Post a pic if you have a favorite mug!

Below is a photo of one of our local coffee spots.. fresh ground and brewed there

Local coffee hangout

Back to School

I’m 55 and decided to go for a certification in Administration Assistant. I already have a job, but thought it would be nice to brush up and learn some new things..

Took my first test, and passed; but man, I don’t know as much as I thought. Will definitely have to try harder next exam. I’m enjoying the process tho, of learning again. I do find at this age, for some reason, I can’t focus like i used to? Anyone else in this age bracket have the same thing going on? Almost like I have ADD, lol.

I would like to encourage any woman out there, to think about maybe learning something new, take a class, explore new possibilities! We are never too old to stop learning! Let me know if you decide to!

Welcome 2022

Today is January 1, 2022.

A new year, a new month, a new beginning.

A new page to start fresh in writing your story.

What will you write.

My new page started with signing up for a certificate program.

I know my biological age says one thing, but my head says another. I don’t feel as old as I am, and I want to keep learning.

I want to be better this year then last, in so many areas.

I want to learn more, give more, be more productive, and care more.

Truth be told, like many women my age, I’ve given to others most of my life. This year, I’m going to learn how to give to myself.

Heres to new exciting pages to write in a new year. Happy New Year everyone!