The 50 Something Project

So I turned 50 this year.

I feel part of a club now. I BELONG now…

Like I’ve reached this pinnacle in life…

I’ve attained something important…

Or so I thought…

I’ve had mixed feelings about turning 50. Part of me was anxious, part of me was relieved…There has been some sadness.

What i have really found out is… it’s kind of like any other age, with one exception..

I don’t care anymore…and it’s oh so freeing.

It’s kind of surprised me.

I don’t care anymore about people so much, and what they think.. and it’s freeing.

I don’t care that they don’t agree with me, my thoughts, my way of doing things.

I don’t care, about their judgements of me and my life…

I don’t care that I’m not giving to so called friends anymore… I GAVE… and they took…

Family that has brushed me aside…

I’m TIRED… Its about me now…

it’s all so simple now.

Now don’t get me wrong… I am not generally a seflish person…but enough is enough..

I’ve spent 50 years listening to others, doing for others… worrying about others…

No more.

I CARE.. but not so much about others opinions..and their needs…

I think when you are younger, you worry so much about what your life looks like to others,

What your clothes look like, your house, your car… are they up to what the perverbial Joneses have, or think it all should be…

Will people like me, if i don’t look a certain way, believe a certain thing, dress a certain way, listen to certain music… etc…We are so caught up in caregiving, jobs, families, etc.. we just don’t give ourselves the time, space or thought.. for ourselves…and then suddenly, we’re 50.

With all that being said, I decided to do some investigating of what other woman think, and feel about turning the golden age of 50, … Hence, this project  “The 50 Something Project”

A little

I hope you’ll join me.  If you are interested in being part of this photo project, please feel free to email me @